Thursday, December 11, 2008

Personality Developmant

Personality Developmant

“You weren’t an accident. You weren’t mass produced. You aren’t assembly line product. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on the Earth by the Master Craftsman”. Max Lucado

If you believe in what Max Lucado has said then you do not have any reason to compare yourself with any one in this world. If you compare, you are insulting yourself. Believing in yourself is a choice, it is an attitude you develop over time. Al-though it helps if you have positive and supportive parents, the fact is that most us had run-of –the-mill parents who inadvertently passed on to us the same limiting beliefs and negative conditioning they grew up with. But remember, the past is the past. There is no gain in blaming them for your current level of self-confidence or for that matter your current personality. It is now your responsibility to take charge of your life, your own self-concept, beliefs and develop your own personality to take your life in the direction you want to take it. After my immense experience in Armed Forces I am writing about certain realities of life which will help you in moulding your personality- choice is yours to take it or leave it.

Every successful person has a painful story and every painful story has a successful ending. Accept the pain and get ready for success. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Remember nothing comes easy in life but like seasons difficult times are not permanent. Life laughs at you when you are unhappy, life smiles at you when you are happy and life salutes you when you make others happy. Take every pain as a learning lamp post in the journey of happiness.

Easy is to judge the mistakes of others, but difficult is to recognize our own mistakes. It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to cover the earth with carpet.

If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If a problem cannot be solved what is the use of worrying? Firstly do not take anything in life as problems rather view it as a puzzle and your complete outlook towards it will change. We tend to find temporary solutions to the problems and invariably tend to blame someone for their occurrence whereas puzzles engage us in a positive manner. As no one will manufacture a lock without a key, similarly God won't give problems without solutions but we have to have the urge to look for solutions.

Life is full of opportunity but we do not train ourselves to look for them in the right place and time. If you miss an opportunity don't fill your eyes with tears, as it will hide another better opportunity in front of you. Have an insatiable appetite to learn and upgrade your knowledge to be able to seize ever emerging opportunities or to create opportunities.

"Changing the Face" can change nothing. But "Facing the Change" can change everything. Don't complain about others; Change yourself if you want peace.
Change is inevitable accept it, its painful in the beginning only. Everyone has the capacity and responsibility to learn and grow from every one of the obstacles, inducements, incitements, provocations and stimuli that life sends us. When you change yourself, you change the world around you. Positive CHANGE is ‘Creating Hope and Awareness to Nourish Growth and Energy’. Everything is difficult before it becomes easy, that is how the life evolves. No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.

Mistakes are painful when they happen. But year's later collection of mistakes is called experience, which leads to success. Do not take each mistake as a life and death situation rather celebrate it, because you have learnt something valuable out of it.

Be bold when you loose and be calm when you win. Heated gold becomes ornament, beaten copper becomes wires, depleted stone becomes statue, so the more pain you get in life you become more valuable and You develop a unique personality with its own aura thus making you a humble leader and a loyal follower.

Written By : Col. Vijay Batra
Just Chill................anil

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